home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /* SampleList.h */
- #ifndef Included_SampleList_h
- #define Included_SampleList_h
- /* SampleList module depends on */
- /* MiscInfo.h */
- /* Audit */
- /* Debug */
- /* Definitions */
- /* Screen */
- /* EventLoop */
- /* Memory */
- /* StringList */
- /* Array */
- /* SampleObject */
- /* Alert */
- /* DataMunging */
- /* PcodeSystem */
- /* SampleConsts */
- /* FixedPoint */
- /* MainWindowStuff */
- /* BufferedFileInput */
- /* BufferedFileOutput */
- /* Files */
- /* Scrap */
- #include "Screen.h"
- #include "EventLoop.h"
- #include "SampleConsts.h"
- #include "FixedPoint.h"
- #include "MainWindowStuff.h"
- struct SampleListRec;
- typedef struct SampleListRec SampleListRec;
- /* forward declarations */
- struct MainWindowRec;
- struct CodeCenterRec;
- struct SampleObjectRec;
- struct BufferedInputRec;
- struct BufferedOutputRec;
- struct FileType;
- /* create a new sample list */
- SampleListRec* NewSampleList(struct MainWindowRec* MainWindow,
- struct CodeCenterRec* CodeCenter, WinType* ScreenID,
- OrdType XLoc, OrdType YLoc, OrdType Width, OrdType Height);
- /* delete the sample list and all of the samples it contains */
- void DisposeSampleList(SampleListRec* SampList);
- /* change the location of the sample list in the window */
- void SetSampleListLocation(SampleListRec* SampList,
- OrdType XLoc, OrdType YLoc, OrdType Width, OrdType Height);
- /* redraw the list */
- void SampleListRedraw(SampleListRec* SampList);
- /* see if the specified coordinates falls inside the sample list rectangle */
- MyBoolean SampleListHitTest(SampleListRec* SampList,
- OrdType XLoc, OrdType YLoc);
- /* handle a mouse down event for the sample list */
- void SampleListDoMouseDown(SampleListRec* SampList, OrdType XLoc,
- OrdType YLoc, ModifierFlags Modifiers);
- /* called when the window becomes active */
- void SampleListBecomeActive(SampleListRec* SampList);
- /* called when the window becomes inactive */
- void SampleListBecomeInactive(SampleListRec* SampList);
- /* called when a selection is made in another list, so that this list */
- /* is deselected */
- void SampleListDeselect(SampleListRec* SampList);
- /* check to see if there is a selection in this list */
- MyBoolean SampleListIsThereSelection(SampleListRec* SampList);
- /* check to see if any of the samples contained in this list need to be saved */
- MyBoolean DoesSampleListNeedToBeSaved(SampleListRec* SampList);
- /* open an edit window for the selected sample */
- void SampleListOpenSelection(SampleListRec* SampList);
- /* create a new sample and open a window for it */
- void SampleListNewSample(SampleListRec* SampList);
- /* delete the selected sample */
- void SampleListDeleteSelection(SampleListRec* SampList);
- /* delete the explicitly specified sample */
- void SampleListDeleteSample(SampleListRec* SampList,
- struct SampleObjectRec* TheSample);
- /* the name of a sample has changed, so the name in the scrolling */
- /* list must also be changed */
- void SampleListSampleNameChanged(SampleListRec* SampList,
- struct SampleObjectRec* TheSample);
- /* look for a specified sample. returns NIL if not found. the name is NOT null */
- /* terminated */
- struct SampleObjectRec* SampleListLookupNamedSample(SampleListRec* SampList, char* Name);
- /* obtain large fixedpoint data for samples. returns the error code defined */
- /* in SampleConsts. the name is NOT null terminated */
- SampleErrors SampleListGetSampleLeftFixed(SampleListRec* SampList,
- char* Name, largefixedsigned** DataOut);
- SampleErrors SampleListGetSampleRightFixed(SampleListRec* SampList,
- char* Name, largefixedsigned** DataOut);
- SampleErrors SampleListGetSampleMonoFixed(SampleListRec* SampList,
- char* Name, largefixedsigned** DataOut);
- /* use the provided data to open a new sample with the specified attributes. */
- /* this is used when opening an algorithmic sample as a data sample. */
- /* RawData MUST be valid. */
- struct SampleObjectRec* SampleListCopyRawSampleAndOpen(SampleListRec* SampList,
- char* RawData, NumBitsType NumBits, NumChannelsType NumChannels,
- long Origin, long LoopStart1, long LoopStart2, long LoopStart3,
- long LoopEnd1, long LoopEnd2, long LoopEnd3, long SamplingRate,
- double NaturalFrequency);
- /* the document's name has changed, so the windows have to be updated */
- void SampleListGlobalNameChange(SampleListRec* SampleList,
- char* NewFilename);
- /* read sample objects from a file. returns True if fully successful. */
- FileLoadingErrors SampleListReadData(SampleListRec* SampleList,
- struct BufferedInputRec* Input);
- /* write sample objects to a file. returns True if fully successful. */
- FileLoadingErrors SampleListWriteData(SampleListRec* SampleList,
- struct BufferedOutputRec* Output);
- /* after a file has been saved, this is called to mark all objects as not modified. */
- void SampleListMarkAllObjectsSaved(SampleListRec* SampleList);
- /* copy the selected object in the list to the clipboard. return False if failed. */
- MyBoolean SampleListCopyObject(SampleListRec* SampleList);
- /* try to paste the clipboard in as a sample object. returns False if it failed */
- /* or the clipboard did not contain a sample object. */
- MyBoolean SampleListPasteObject(SampleListRec* SampleList);
- /* paste a sample object in from the file */
- MyBoolean SampleListPasteFromFile(SampleListRec* SampleList,
- struct FileType* File);
- /* find out how many samples there are in this list */
- long SampleListHowMany(SampleListRec* SampleList);
- /* get an indexed sample from the list */
- struct SampleObjectRec* SampleListGetIndexedSample(SampleListRec* SampleList, long Index);
- #endif